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led | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

a low cost led based spectrometer

a low cost led based spectrometer

a low cost led based spectrometer is described. this led based spectrometer could be operated as a standalone instrument or under pc control via serial link. a total of seven wavelength selections are available by the plug-and-measure led light module. with the seven wavelength selections, the led based spectrometer could provide qualitative visible absorption spectra that predict the absorption maximum. based upon the qualitative visible spectra, quantitative photometric information could be obtained.

there is a need in many resource limited countries and laboratories for a low cost analytical instrument that could provide both qualitative and quantitative chemical information. there are also great needs for low cost autonomous instruments that could help monitor the fragile environment around the world on a global scale.1,2with the advances in modern electronics, microcontrollers could provide great capabilities to acquire and process sensor signals. the development of compound semiconductor manufacturing technology could also produce many leds with wavelengths from ir down to the 365 nm uv range. with its compact size, a wide range of selections of available wavelengths and low power consumption, leds are used extensively in analytical instruments as light sources.3-15 dasgupta et. al. gave a very detailed review for led application in flow injection analyses.3,4 led light sources for sensor applications were also extensively reviewed by kostov et al.5-7 hauser et al.8-10 built a multi-wavelength spectrometer to analyze aluminum, copper, ammonia, calcium, phosphate, chromium, and nitrile. in his work, leds with seven wavelengths and a 2*7 fiber optic coupler were used to construct a multi-wavelength spectrometer. the 2 *7 fiber optic coupler would greatly increase the cost of the spectrometer and would not be suitable for large scale employment. hamilton et al.11 built a four color led photometer with a material cost of about us$ 200. the led photometer was designed with analog circuits and thus was not very flexible or user configurable. knagge et al.12 built a spectrometer with a mini light bulb, diffraction grating and lego block. the material cost was also about us$ 200. this spectrometer was not robust or inexpensive enough for large scale deployment in the field. cantrell et al.13 designed a slim spectrometer with red, yellow, and blue leds. the total cost to construct the slim spectrometer is about us$ 25. a tsl230 programmable light-to-frequency converter from texas advanced optoelectronic solutions (taos) was used as photo-detector for the slim spectrometer. the slim spectrometer is low cost, low power consumption and robust, thus it is very suitable for autonomous instruments employed in the field. the only limitation is the available wavelength in the slim spectrometer.




自有人类文明以来,照明在我们的生活中是那么重要,没有灯光的夜晚整个世界将充斥着黑暗。茫茫大海中的灯塔是航行船只的向导,它指示着礁石,浅滩,港口,尽管后来出现了gps等电子导航定位系统,但仍无法取代灯塔在船员们心中的地位。led是发光二极管的简称,英文全称是light emitting diode。led照明是继鹤丝灯、突光灯、气体放电灯之后的第四代照明产品⑴。

一种基于c builder的led色度检测系统

一种基于c builder的led色度检测系统

为实现对led色度的快速、准确测量,开发一种led色度检测软件系统。该系统采用美国海洋光学公司hr4000微型光纤光谱仪作为光电传感器,基于borland c builder开发平台,分为数据采集层、数据处理层、数据分析层,各层之间既相互独立又有机的组成一个整体。使用数据库技术存储相关参数和测试结果。系统色度测量符合标准,并且具有快速、稳定等特点。

发光二极管(1ight emitting diode,led)是一种利用半导体pn结把电能转换成为光能的光电转换器件,它和白炽灯等其他照明光源相比较,具有体积小、寿命长、功耗低、安全节能等优点,已经成为照明产业新的增长点和发展方向¨l ]。

基于delphi 的led 实时光谱测试系统*

基于delphi 的led 实时光谱测试系统*

led 实时光谱能反映led 动态光学特性的变化情况,光谱的测量要求光谱仪在合适的积分时间条件下完成从收集光子到处理数据的过程。利用hr4000 光谱仪、gs610 源表和gpib 控制卡,开发了1 套基于delphi7. 0 的实时光谱数据采集系统,该系统能快速、精确地采集led 光谱并计算色坐标、色温、峰值波长等光学特性参数。同时还设计了1 种基于二分法的自动设置光谱仪积分时间的计算方法,实现了对led 稳态、瞬态光谱实时测试的数据采集和处理,并通过实验分析,研究了瞬态测量方法的可行性以及条件。

发光二极管( light emitting diode,led) 作为继白炽灯、荧光灯后的第三代照明光源,具有寿命长、能耗低、无污染等优点,被广泛应用于交通信号显示、lcd 背光源、汽车尾灯照明、全彩显示及通用照明等领域[1]。自第1 支白光led 面世以来,进入21 世纪,led 的发展迎来井喷时代。acled,oled 等新一代led 引起广泛关注研究[2-3]。但由于产品质量的良莠不齐,关于评价led 优劣的测量标准也越来越引起重视。led 的光度学、色度学和电学综合参数是衡量led 品质的主要技术指标。led 的光谱能有效反映led 的光色参数,如色度坐标、主波长、显色指数、色纯度等,对评估led 的性能有重要作用[4]。准确有效地测量led光谱则是关键。
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