the colour of blue-green bird eggs has been hypothesized to signal female quality to attending males, who may adjust their level of investment in the brood accordingly. the hypothesis has gained support in studies of spanish pied flycatchers ficedula hypoleuca. we performed a cross-fostering experiment in a norwegian population of pied flycatchers to provide an independent test of the sexually selected egg colour hypothesis in this species. egg colour was not significantly correlated with estimates of female quality (clutch size, average egg volume, first egg laying date and feeding rate). there was a significant decrease in chroma and increase in brightness and egg volume during the laying sequence, with some marked differences between six-egg and seven-egg clutches that might reflect differences in female quality. however, we found no significant influence of egg colour (foster or original clutch) on male feeding rate or offspring viability (hatching success, average mass and fledging success) and no significant difference in feeding rate for males with six-egg and seven-egg foster or original clutches. we conclude that norwegian male pied flycatchers do not use egg colour as a cue to female quality, thus questioning the generality of previous support for the sexually selected egg colour hypothesis from this species.
bird eggs display a striking variability in colour and pigment pattering, and many hypotheses have been proposed to explain inter- and intraspecific variation in egg colour. these include varying degree of selection for crypsis because of predation, facilitation of discrimination of brood parasitic eggs and differential selection for egg shell strength and solar protection (reviewed in kilner 2006). recently, intraspecific variation in egg colour has been suggested to result from post-mating sexual selection via differential allocation (sensu burley 1986), whereby egg colour acts as a signal of female phenotypic quality that influences male willingness to invest in the brood (moreno & osorno 2003). according to the sexually selected egg colour (ssec) hypothesis, signal honesty is maintained by the cost of pigment deposition for females. for bluegreen eggs, colouration of the eggshell derives from the pigment biliverdin (miksik et al. 1996), which may act as an antioxidant in mammals (stocker et al. 1987; mcdonagh 2001) and birds (hanley et al. 2008). depositing this pigment in the egg shell instead of utilizing its antioxidant capacity is assumed to be costly for females and only high-quality females can afford this handicap (zahavi 1975; moreno & osorno 2003; but see reynolds et al. 2009).